How to prepare for university exams
Are you busy preparing for university exams? Give yourself the best chance to succeed with our top study tips.
Are you busy preparing for university exams? Give yourself the best chance to succeed with our top study tips.
If your child is in Year 2 or 6, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the SATs. Although they are only a few months away, you may still be faced with a number of questions. Your child’s teachers or school may have provided you with some information, but we are here to give you a clear and concise overview of everything you need to know.
As an experienced private tutoring and mentoring service for GCSE and Alevels, we know all the ins and outs of the education system and how to best support students through these challenging and impactful years.
Writing an essay can be overwhelming and stressful. There’s a lot of pressure to get top grades, and many of your university classes’ final grade will be exclusively based on the essays you have written. But no need to panic! We have written out the top tips you need to know to guarantee a stellar essay. No stress needed.