Our tailored private tutoring programmes and team of super tutors teach  all UK and international students in all subjects levels. Tailored, organised and perfectly matched private online tutors for your specific needs and goals.

We currently tutor students, ages 5 to 25+, in primary school subjects to GCSE & Alevels subjects, and university courses. 


Online private tuition


Our online tutoring is particularly suitable for students outside of London, across the UK and internationally, who wish to undertake any level of education in the UK. We hire the very best of online tutors and match them perfectly for your subject needs.

Our tutors are highly achieved, with degrees from the best UK universities and trained in best tutoring and mentoring techniques. Through the latest online video-calling technologies, students and tutors are able to see each other and share documents in real time, making the experience as impactful as in person tutoring.


Online home schooling

We also offer year-round homeschooling in the UK and abroad. Our expert online tutors are able to come to wherever you are in the world to help with all subject needs. These include primary and secondary school subjects, Common Entrance Exam preparation, GCSE and A-level tutoring.  Our thorough tutor selection process ensures that we match you with the right tutor based on your or your child’s individual needs and our management team will follow up on progress on a weekly basis. Your child will feel supported and excel while you feel stress free!

Need Advice? We’d love to help!  

Get in touch to ask questions or get started by clicking the call or email buttons below or using our “contact us” form.

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Google Reviews

Cleandra Martin-Waldron
Cleandra Martin-Waldron
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"We are incredibly grateful for Uber Tutors professional and comprehensive services. We are moving from the USA to the UK and our 12 year old needed to learn an entirely different system of education. Tania worked with us and accommodated the 8 hr time difference btw LA and London and found the perfect match for us. Joseph worked with our son for 3 months and achieved all of our goals. We are so grateful that we found this service!"
Qudsia Rahim
Qudsia Rahim
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"I would highly recommend the Uber Tutors team! Very professional and thorough but more importantly they tailor to your individual requirements, in turn helping you focus, build confidence and resilience. Forever grateful!"
Sarah Lockett
Sarah Lockett
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"Tania's tutor took my daughter from a C in her mock GCSE Maths to an A in the exam! Plus she helped her to get an A in A-Level English - so we are very happy. She was very good at matching the personality of the maths tutor to my daughter, too."
Angharad Rees
Angharad Rees
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"Really helpful and super supportive advisers - would recommend"
al hu
al hu
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"Very responsive and helpful! Thanks so much for your support, looking forward to using you again in the near future."
Tyler Fox
Tyler Fox
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"Caring and supportive team of tutors who work hard to help their students succeed!"
Alessandra Fumarola
Alessandra Fumarola
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"Tania is always available, very honest and competent. She is always happy to listen and tailor the service to clients needs. The two tutors that we had for most of the time (Henry and Joseph) were amazing and the kids flourished under their support. We would have not passed the exam that they were preparing for without Tania and her team."
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"We used Uber Tutors for our son who was taking his GCSEs . He needed to understand how to study, engage and answer the questions. We were very impressed with his tutoring and his has achieved good grades which he would not have done without Uber Tutors help."
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"We used Uber Tutors for our son to help him prepare for an 11+ exam. We were so pleased with a perfect tutor match for him as he was waiting with enthusiasm for each week session and gained a lot of knowledge and confidence through it. It was a pleasure and stress free cooperation with the team and we were grateful to find Uber Tutors. We can definitely recommend their service and the professional approach to it. Thanks a lot for you dedicated work!"
Karen Ball
Karen Ball
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"Tania and Sara helped my daughter achieve an A in A level Economics not only because they were so knowledgeable and professional but also because they gave her confidence in her ability. It was about so much more than just the subject itself."
Cedric Mukolonga
Cedric Mukolonga
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"I have been using uber tutors for a few years now and i have to say working with my tutor has been amazing, she has gone above and beyond in helping me attain my amazing results with my business and finance studies, its a shame my exams are over i will definitely be using their services in the future should I decide to strive for more advanced academic goals."

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