The answer “law” to the common question of “what do you study?” that students tend to hear on a regular basis will be most likely met with swoons of admiration or exasperation at why you chose a subject that must be “so difficult!”
Whilst we definitely believe that law is a great subject to study and its skills remain sought after by a variety of employers it is no secret that law, and black letter law in particular, is not the easiest of subjects and that there may be difficulties along the way. With increasing competition both at university and the job market it should not be stigmatised for students to ask for some extra help if they feel like it may benefit them.
It is important to note that academic support must not be confined to those who take a little while longer to grasp legal concepts and memorise cases. In fact, one of our students, Katelyn, explicitly recommends extra tutoring “even if you have a decent grasp” of the courses since it will allow you “remember, consolidate and contextualise information” to deepen your understanding of the law as well as help you express yourself in a subject that “requires as much practice as possible.” Katelyn added that it is important to access this support as early as possible, not just when you hit a wall, in order to gain the best possible assistance for you.
Asking for help can be difficult, especially in an environment where competition is high and egos may get in the way of accessing support. Just remember that in reality, everyone is trying to squeeze in extra time to meet with lecturers who simply do not have the time to teach everyone one-on-one. Individual tutoring provides the benefits of university tutorials, able to provide a comprehensive legal education whilst retaining that crucial heightened focus on the student and their needs.
The time and money invested in quality tutoring will bear plenty of fruit. You will save time and have a firm grasp of different areas of law due to the personalised feedback you receive, and the additional instruction in debate, mooting or interview skills that you can acquire.
As the only service provider to offer students with debt and/or of low income backgrounds subsidised rates, our discounts make our tutoring services more affordable as we believe that additional support should be accessible to all.
An individual and personalised tutoring programme can be different for each student, as some prefer weekly meetings and others choose more targeted work, geared towards acing essays and exams. Additionally, law students may ask for help with training contract and other applications related to their studies. No matter which option you choose, it is one big step towards boosting your degree.
To ask how we can help today, simply call 02030867311 or email us at and we will be happy to speak with you.